At Healing by Sav, I specialize in quantum energy healing and mindset coaching, offering transformative services designed to help you achieve emotional freedom and personal growth. Whether you're struggling with past traumas, seeking to enhance your mental well-being, or simply looking to cultivate more self-love, my sessions are tailored to meet your unique needs.
As a certified Quantum Energy Healer and Mindset Coach, I’m dedicated to guiding you on a journey toward healing and empowerment. Quantum healing is a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of emotional and energetic imbalances, providing relief and clarity. My mindset coaching complements this process by helping you develop positive thinking patterns and resilience.
I invite you to explore our range of services and discover how they can help you release old patterns, heal deeply, and create a more vibrant, fulfilling life. Whether you're new to the concept of quantum healing or practitioner, i’m here to support your journey every step of the way. Welcome to a space where healing, growth, and transformation are possible.
Quantum Energy Healing
£50 per session
1-1 Remote energy healing where I release what no longer serves you such as
Low Self Esteem
Past & recent traumas & many more
Mindset Coaching Programme
A 4 week intensive mindset programme where I help you transform your mindset, relieving it of old patterns, fears and replacing it with a brand new perspective ready to take that jump, break past those barriers and build those blocks to creating that dream life you desire
Bespoke healing programmes
From £200
With the bespoke healing programme, we discuss what emotion needs the most work and what needs to be released.
For example working specifically on releasing childhood trauma or if you wish to work more on confidence and self love